Winchelsea Men’s Shed – Winchelsea Community House

Winchelsea Community House

Winchelsea Men’s Shed

Brief Description of this Group

A safe and happy environment where men are welcome to work on community projects, specific Men’s Shed projects or a project of their choice in their own time and where the only ‘must’ is to observe safe working practices….all in a spirit of mateship.

Full Description of this Group

Winch House and community are keen to provide activity, identity and meaning for vast numbers of older, unemployed, job-redundant, ‘downsized’, isolated, depressed and happily retired, active, creative, enthusiastic men. Men’s Sheds are fast being recognized as vital, viable places to fulfill these needs and provide relaxed, happy creative spaces for men to enjoy.

What do we do at Men's Shed?

Activities range from doing woodwork, making children's toys, repairs to community facilities. Anything that the general public can bring we will see if we are able to repair it for them. We are always there to help people out if we are able to it is anything to do with woodwork.

Who goes to Men's Sheds?

Men's Sheds are for all men of all ages from all different walks of life, everybody is always welcome to come and join in the activities that are going on in the shed at any particular day the shed is open.

Where do we meet?

Winchelsea Men's Shed
51 Hesse Street, Winchelsea, VIC 3241

When is the Shed open?

Formal meetings on the first Wednesday of every month, starting at 10am.

Open most Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays - if the door is open, come and join us for a cup of coffee.


Coordinator : Ray Atkinson, Ph.0407 839139,

Secretary : Graham McPadden, Ph.0400 046522,

Other website links

There are over 300 men's sheds in Australia.  For more info you can to their website at

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