
OH&S Codes of Practice

Brief Description:

Occupational health & safety codes of practice across various areas that apply throughout the premises and to all staff, volunteers, visitors, and occupants.


Version: 2019.1

Approved by: Committee

Created: 03-Oct-2019

Reviewed: 03-Oct-2019

  1. Work Stations

  • Space – each employee having a clear space in which to work.

  • Seating – where employees work from a sitting position, they have appropriate seating and work in an ergonomically sound work position with ergonomically designed furniture.

  • Screen based workstations – where employees are working at a small screen they take appropriate rest breaks to avoid eyestrain and fatigue. Also appropriate workstation furniture (correct chair, footrest, desk, document holder) being used. Staff being trained in the correct use of workstations and the need for frequent rest.

  1. Chemicals and Solvents

  • Cleaning liquids, photocopying chemical etc being stored and used in areas, which are well ventilated.

  • All chemicals and solvents being clearly labeled.

  • Employees using chemicals of solvents being informed of the correct usage.

  • Recording all chemicals and solvents of safety data sheets (obtainable from suppliers)

  1. Photocopiers

  • Photocopiers being placed in a separate room to work stations, which is well and independently ventilated.

  • Covers being kept down when in use to prevent eye damage from ultra violet light.

  • Employees changing toner should wear disposable plastic globes and protective clothing.

  1. Hygiene

  • Toilets – where there are more than six (6) staff and the number of the minority sex is greater than two. Having separate toilets for use by males and females. NB. However it is also good practice for the toilet for people with disabilities not to be gender specific.

  • Hand washing facilities – having one water (hot and cold) outlet for every 15 employees and either paper towels, laundered continuous roll or hot air dryers plus soap.

  • Drinking water – having one drinking point for every 40 employees and separate from hand washing facilities.

  • Eating and drinking utensils being carefully washed up in hot soap water, or a dishwasher used.

  1. Environment

  • Temperature range – in cold weather having a safe means of heating up to a minimum of 18C where non-active employment is taking place in hot weather having a method of cooling or work practices introduced to control excessive heating e.g. employees taking regular drinks breaks.

  • Lighting – having suficient lighting free from glare.

  • Cleanliness – having a clean environment. Dirt and waste being removed, windows and skylights kept clean.

  1. Manual Handling

  • Manual handling occurs where any kind, animal, person or object is lifted pushed, pulled, carried or restrained. In Neighbourhood houses this can be applied to lifting tables, stacks of chairs, office furniture, moving whiteboards and lifting of people with disabilities in and out of wheelchairs.

  • Assessing all manual handling jobs that may risk health and safety taking into account such factors as duration, frequency, weight, force, plus age, skill and experience of employee concerned.

  • As far as is practicable equipment and processes being designed and constructed so that they are free from manual handling injury risks (e.g. no less than two people should carry a table and no more than 3 stacked chairs should be carried a one time).

  • If redesign is not possible mechanical aids being used and staff trained in their use.

  • If mechanical aids are out of the question training being given to control risk (e.g. the correct way to lift someone from a wheelchair).

  1. First Aid Training

  • Where there are especial risks e.g. people likely to have epilepsy of asthma etc, having someone with appropriate first aid training available.

  • Where access to appropriate medical services is restricted e.g. in remote or rural areas having one first aider for up to 10 employees.

  • Where there is a first aider he/she keeps a record of first aid treatment given.

  1. Accessibility of First Aid

  • Employees being provided with regular up to date information regarding

    • Nature of first aid facilities

    • Location of first aid kit/s

    • Names of trained first aiders

    • Procedure to follow if first aid is needed

  • One first aid kit per every 50 employees being provided.

  • Maximum distance between employee’s workplace and nearest kit being 10 meters

  • In places of special hazard there being immediate access to kit

  • First aid kits being located so as to be clearly visible and accessible.

  • Kits being regularly maintained.

  1. Minimum contents of a First Aid Kit

  • Emergency service phone numbers and addresses.

  • Name, phone number and location of nearest first aider.

  • Basic first aid notes

  • Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings, 1 packet.

  • Sterile eye pads x 4.

  • Sterile coverings for serious wounds x 4.

  • Triangular bandages x 4.

  • Safety pins x 12.

  • Small sterile wound dressing (Band-Aids) x 8.

  • Medium sterile wound dressing (Band-Aids) x 4.

  • Large sterile wound dressing x 4.

  • Adhesive tape 1.25cms wide x 1 roll.

  • Crepe bandage x 1.

  • Scissors x 1.

  • Disposable gloves x 1.

NB Kits should not contain aspirin or paracetamol as some people can only use these under medical supervision.

  1. Critical Incident Stress:-

There are three main stages that need to be considered-

Risk minimisation

  • Keeping view from outside unscreened from the road or public access

  • Allowing only one point of entry into the building and locking all other doors, especially if staff work alone

  • Staff working alone at night keeping doors locked and arranging for a colleague to phone check

  • Ensuring the car park is well lit.

  • If appropriate having someone else present if staff feel unsafe

  • Staff asking for help or leaving the building if they feel unsafe.

  • If possible, minimizing participant waiting time

  • Staff being accompanied if transporting participants.

  • Cash kept on the premises for minimal amount of time

  • Training staff in critical incident procedures

  • Keeping a confidential record of critical incidents

  • Training Staff in negotiation communication procedures

  • Training staff to recognise causes of potential aggression in order to defuse it

  • Staff wearing as little grabbable jewellery as possible

  • Ensuring that non discriminatory participation procedures are accessible to all participants,

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