Occasional Child Care – Winchelsea Community House

Winchelsea Community House

Occasional Child Care

Brief Description of this Service

A short break for parents/carers and for the children to gain new friends and to be challenged in a nurturing environment with friendly, qualified educators.

Full Description of this Service

Childcare is open Mondays to Fridays 9.00 - 2.00. Places available (bookings essential), feel free to drop in and have a look and meet the staff.

Open from Monday to Friday 9am - 2pm, Winchelsea Occasional Childcare provides a safe and nurturing learning environment for all ages from six weeks to six years.

What to bring

  • Lunch box with variety of healthy morning tea snacks and a sandwich for lunch.
  • Drink bottle with water
  • Spare clothes
  • Hat and sunscreen
  • Nappies and wipes
  • Any comfort items

How to apply

Drop in to Winch House between 9.00 and 2.00 weekdays and ask for an application form at reception.

Alternatively, download the Childcare Enrolment form and post to 28 Hesse Street, Winchelsea or drop in to reception.

Any queries feel free to phone (03) 5267 2028 and speak to our receptionist.


There is a fee per session - Childcare Benefit is available to eligible families, which may reduce this fee.

Childcare while studying

Winch House receives funding for cost reduced childcare towards some of our courses. If you would like to update your computer skills, return to the workforce or work towards a career change, call in and ask reception or contact us to ask which courses qualify.

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