Winch House - Where To From Here?

Strategic Plan Overview 2021-2024
In common with quite a few community centres, the pandemic has held back the development of the next Strategic Plan at Winchelsea Community House. Our last Plan expired in 2020, and we are now looking to set the directions for Winch House over the next 4 years. With all the changes that are going on, your local community centre also needs to change in order to achieve its ultimate ambition "To be Winchelsea's community centre for inspiration, growth and enjoyment".
Winch House has a small but very dedicated Oversight Committee which is responsible for setting and guiding the goals and objectives for the organisation. We made a good start on the next Strategic Plan last year as part of the process to adopt and extend into the adjoining Shire Hall. We have 3 high-level goals, each of which has a number of objectives;
Goal 1 - Positive Revenue
The financial squeeze has been on since forever, but it is getting intense. High inflation, reduced govenment funding, ever more red tape, and legislative developments are seeing greater expenditure in parallel with reduced income. Winch House is predominantly funded by State government with a major contribution from Surf Coast Shire, and Federal income through the child-care service. The financial year just past will see an overall loss (come along to the AGM 7pm October 19th for the details). So our most important goal must be the financial sustainability of Winch House.
Goal 2 - Community Engagement
Well, the clue is in the name. As a community house, the place exists to foster connections between people, get people engaged in activities and courses, draw people together around issues and topics of interest, to combat inequality, help improve mental health and generally build a shared community spirit for the Winchelsea area. So this goal maps out what will get people through the doors.
Goal 3 - Internal Growth

It's all well and good to lay out what needs to be done; it's people that turn plans into realities. After a massive drop in volunteering across the country and even the world, the challenge is to inspire people with skills, experience or raw motivation to join in and help out. We all know the massive good-feeling benefits that come from volunteering. Winch House needs more volunteers. In addition to volunteers, staff and the Committee itself can learn and grow with new abilities and awareness. So the goal is to make Winch House a great place to be and stay whether volunteer, staff or Committee member.

Watch out for upcoming news items that will expand on each of these Goals to outline their Objectives - and how you might be able to help with your ideas, your time, or your participation. After all, if Winch House isn't for you, it has no reason to exist.

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