Powered by Volunteers

Winchelsea Community House

Oversight Committee

[pb site:title] is governed by an Oversight Committee,  who are volunteers from the community. This Committee is responsible for;

  • policy formulation and review
  • the annual budget and financial situation
  • the appointment and reviews of staff
  • medium and long term strategic planning
  • and general high-level oversight of the organisation

A paid Manager co-ordinates all the functions, services and activities that run out of the Neighbourhood House. The Manager is responsible for the day-to-day operational management, and for staff performance.

We are always looking for new ideas, people with skills and experience, to help us grow and adapt and stay relevant, popular and well-supported. Is that something you could help with? 😀 Get in touch if so!


The Winchelsea Community House Oversight Committee meets on a monthly basis, 6:30pm on the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Meetings normally take around 90 minutes, following a pre-shared agenda.

Go To The Meeting Room

The Committee's online meeting room is always 'open', join any time - obviously there probably won't be anyone else there unless it's been arranged.

Reports & Downloads

Our Volunteer Committee

Photo of Tony Phelps

Tony Phelps

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Vacant - know someone?

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Vee Anscombe

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Robyn Black

Committee Member
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Amanda Bettess

Committee Member
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Monique Jacques

Committee Member
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Simone Budd

Committee Member
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