Lisa Jarvis has been appointed by Surf Coast Shire to run an independent project to establish a Community Action Plan (CAP) for Winchelsea and separately for Moriac.

The project aims to find out what locals really want for their community, irrespective of who will fund it or make it happen, with a view to subsequently prioritising the ideas and objectives, then establishing groups of motivated and interested people to set about achieving them. It is a ‘ground up’ process driven by community, with the intention that community will then support and progress its own plan.

Ideas for engaging Winchelsea residents, businesses and non-profits include online surveys, postcards and town-hall meetings. It’s all about Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), working with strengths and with keen individuals to inform Council, State and even Federal governments of what is locally important.

The target is to product a Winchelsea Community Action Plan for presentation to the July Council meeting, preferably presented by community members. The existing 2015-2021 ‘Growing Winchelsea’ Structure Plan can be used as a base but it is up to the working group (3-6 people) as there is no particular path.