Every Friday, Winchelsea Community House is open for its ‘Chatty Café’ in the Shire Hall, welcoming everyone to a special table where you can sit, relax and chat. No bookings needed, just turn up and you’ll be welcomed by our Chatty Volunteers.

What is a Chatty Café?
The Chatty Café Scheme Australia, a Health promotion and Harm reduction charity, encourages all sorts of hospitality venues across Australia such as cafes, restaurants, clubs, pubs, community centres, libraries, churches, schools, aged-care residences, retirement villages, neighbourhood houses, pubs, hotels, clubs, wine bars and art galleries to provide a shared Chatty table which is where customers can sit if they are happy to talk to other customers and “Have a Chat”. Chatty Volunteers, if requested by the venue, can sit at the Chatty table to help introduce the concept to customers and chat to them.

Who is Chatty Café for?
Chatty customers might be people on their own, in a couple, with a friend, carers, people with a disability, mums with new babies, students, parents with babies and kids, grandparents, people of all ages and from all demographics. Everyone is welcome!

Why join in?
Chatting is such a simple concept but so important for mental and physical health. Loneliness can seriously impact a person’s sense of wellbeing and cause a range of disorders including anxiety and depression. Having a chat with others in your local community can really brighten your day and create new friendships and social connections.

How do the Chatty Tables work?
The Chatty Tables are for people who are happy to sit and chat with other people. Each Chatty Café venue nominates a day and time for their Chatty Table. There’s usually no need to book – everyone’s welcome!