I’ve been listening to an audiobook, “Lost Connections” by Johann Hari. Nearly 7 hours worth of research and investigation into depression which is flooding communities across the world.
One of the key takeaways from this book is that loneliness is not just commonly associated with depression, it is thought to cause it. The title of the book is all about the way we live our lives now compared to how we evolved. We have lost our connections to each other. It turns out there is no electronic replacement for face-to-face interactions, for in-person socialising, for meeting people and making friends in the real world.
Making connections is at the core of community centres and Neighbourhood Houses like Winchelsea Community House. When you consider the activities put on such as the craft group, Chatty Cafe, crochet & knitting, singing, sound healing and tai chi – they’re all about getting together and connecting.
Winch House also auspices a number of more formal groups that operate independently under the legal umbrella of Winch House. The Men’s Shed, Wensleydale Rural Group, Winchelsea Youth Leisure DropIn (WYLD), Wurdale & Surrounds Recovery Network, all were formed by people with clear objectives working together – connecting for a common cause.
Our fabulous volunteer Committee, the amazing people that work at Winch House, the dedicated volunteers that are so essential for keeping the wheels turning. All are connecting with each other and the people that make use of this community facility.
This is what makes Winchelsea Community House crucial to the fabric of the town and wider region. There are plenty of community organisations around that likewise offer the opportunity to connect while driving towards their own objectives. Winch House, however, is unique in its ability to offer physical spaces, official status, resources and experienced support in an inclusive central place.
If you are part of the Winchelsea region communities in any way shape or form, I encourage you to help keep Winch House the vibrant success that it has become. Pester politicians for more funding. Hire a space. Participate in an activity.
The connections I have made here form an important and positive part of my life journey. I hope they do for you too – and if not, I (strongly) encourage you to get involved however suits you best. Join up, join in, and connect.
Tony Phelps, Chair at Winch House