What is an auspice group?

Winchelsea Community House Inc (Winch House) is an incorporated organisation which can act as the host of a non-incorporated community group via an auspice arrangement.  This means that Winch House can assist community groups by

  • acting as a banker/treasurer to manage their finances
  • provide a cover for public liability insurance
  • provide a venue to host activities.

As a legal entity, Winch House can undertake the following activities for community groups:

  • sign a legal contract, funding or service agreement
  • receive and disperse funds on behalf of your group
  • provide public liability insurance for approved activities, and
  • provide contents insurance for items stored on our premises.

Winch House will act as banker for the finances of an auspiced group. The insurance company sees this as proof that the group is genuinely part of Winch House.

This auspice arrangement can be

  1. short term to complete a project
  2. permanent ongoing
  3. temporary while the group becomes established

Each auspice agreement will need to be negotiated between Winch House and the applicant group and a memorandum of understanding will be developed.

The following information may be helpful if your group is considering requesting an auspice agreement with Winch House.

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